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Wednesday, June 14, 2017


We shall continue with our text in Luke 5:1-8. As we examined the last time in part 2 of this article, Peter surrendered his boat for Jesus’ use. This act was rewarded by Jesus in the next verses as we shall consider today.
Jesus showed gratitude to Peter for donating his boat towards His ministry’s evangelistic outreach. He is still in the habit of showing gratitude for people who sacrifice for His kingdom expansion. This He does through divine healing, deliverance, breakthrough and diverse miracles, signs and wonders. There is no amount of sacrifice you make for God’s kingdom that will go unrewarded. Whatever a man sows, he shall surely reap the fruits. Peter’s fishing experience and expertise could not fetch him results but donating his boat towards God’s kingdom work did. In a bid to show Peter gratitude, He, the commander of all creations commanded the fishes that have gone on excursion or leave to terminate their leave and excursion because of a reward that He want to give to Peter. He ordered them to gather for fellowship where Peter’s net will be launched. When He saw them gathering there, He then gave Peter an instruction and direction on how to prosper. I pray for you today, that God will command your miracles to gather around you in Jesus Name. For someone who will shout his or her own amen aloud, this month, God will give you divine direction on where to launch and make wealth in Jesus Name. Amen!
Jesus Commanded Peter to Launch into the deep. His command to Peter who was a master in fishing with a doctorate degree in active fishing was a mess of Peter’s experience, expertise and skill. Jesus was saying to Peter just as He is saying to you reading this article, it is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth but of the Lord who showeth mercy. It is not your expertise or experience but God who favours. May God turn your labour to favour this week in Jesus Name. Peter may be experience, but the master of ocean and all aquatic creatures was around. He laid Peter’s certificate aside to do what he want to do. He has power over creatures. Launching into the deep was all that Peter needed to make his day but he actually need divine direction. May God give you divine direction. When the direction came, Peter started arguing with Jesus. I guess, he would have told Jesus ‘Look here Oga, this is not preaching but fishing. You may be a master in preaching and crusade management but I am a master in fishing and understand the time and season to catch them. Am the one to instruct you here’. Peter gave several excuses why he will not obey this command. The excuse ranges from having spent all day and night looking for fish to now may not be the right time to catch fishes. It is only the Lord who knows the right time to catch fishes and where they are. May you not argue with God over His instructions to you. Men have disobeyed God and rejected a divine instruction on them and have ended in regret. God demands obedient to His words for us to receive our miracles.
Peter obeyed the word of Jesus and had a great harvest. Peter said I will hold you by your word and cast my net. The day we start holding God by His words, that day our life will witness tremendous changes. Peter trusted Him and was not disappointed. I pray for you that your faith in God will not bring shame to you. He will not allow you to be disappointed or disgraced. As you will be obeying His instructions, may you receive the fruit of obedience in Jesus name, Amen! The net was filled with fishes but no single fish fell off even when the net was torn. I pray for you that the blessings God will give you, no matter the treats on you, none of them will be lost in Jesus name. Men that may have despised you or make mockery of you will gather to celebrate you when you day breaks. Peter beckoned on the other fisher men to come and help him gather his blessings. Your blessings in the coming week will be so big that other people will be hired by you for a fee that will be determined by you to help you increase your greatness. They will become your employees. I see God giving you miracles that are bigger than your hand. Receive them now in Jesus name. Amen!
Peter knelt before Him in reverence. I pray for you as you read this that God will give you a miracle that will make both you and your family and friends to come before the Lord in reverence and acknowledge your sinfulness.

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